Mountain Lions
Mountain lions, also known as pumas and cougars, are top carnivores playing an important role in our ecosystem yet they live a fragile existence. Their primary food source is deer,
Wildlife ID aims to progress the field of conservation technology by developing face recognition software for use in wildlife monitoring. Using human face recognition techniques, we are developing a software tool that can identify individual animals from images of their faces. Applying this technology to camera trap and photographs provides a new technique to monitor populations of wildlife on an individual level. Answering the question “which animal is the exact animal” in a human wildlife conflict situation, and for accurate species census collections. This is important as scientists are under increasing pressure to draw larger conclusions from their research, but with fewer resources available.
Trafficking of endangered and threatened wildlife is absolutely devastating wildlife numbers across the globe. Traffickers and Poachers have a highly organized criminal syndicate and they aggressively pursue profit at any cost.
Fewer than 7,000 adult cheetahs are left in the wild, according to estimates from 2010 through 2019, and more than 3,600 live cheetahs were sold illegally worldwide. 2018 saw the death of the world’s last male Northern White Rhino, named Sudan, leaving behind only two females of the entire species. Pangolins, which are endangered and also protected by international treaty, are trafficked by the thousands for their scales, which are boiled off their bodies for use in traditional medicine; for their meat, which is a high-end delicacy in China; and for their blood, which is seen as a healing tonic.
Trafficking and unsustainable trade in wildlife are causing unprecedented declines in, wildlife species at an unprecedented scale. We’re working on the frontline to identify each individual animal when possible to ensure that illegal wildlife trade is identified, and prosecuted at every opportunity. Please reach out if you are looking to work on identifying trafficked and/or poached wildlife. Email: [email protected].
Mountain lions, also known as pumas and cougars, are top carnivores playing an important role in our ecosystem yet they live a fragile existence. Their primary food source is deer,
Will Polar Bears be extinct by 2050? The study behind this depressing conclusion could land polar bears on the list of threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Polar bears
Protecting and expanding vulnerable cheetah populations within the Horn of Africa through the gathering of baseline data and individual ID, so that the appropriate management, crime prevention, community engagement and